The “Flipbook” with the 20 illustrations iin Solar Conjunction takes up to 20 seconds to load. While you’re waiting, here’s an introduction from “About the Illustrator”:
“Manyou loves talking about space and spaceships among other things. First, regarding talking, there was a 10-year or so hiatus with speech. That was a couple of years after some psychiatric issues at age 20. When speech started picking up, so did the drawing with pen and paper. It was gradual, but drawing with the right hemisphere seemed just the right thing for Manyou.
The right hemisphere has a lot to say (or show). The drawings in this book came out between 2012 and about 2016–way before the book. But by a stroke of nature, the qualities of Isaac Jr. and his story seem to match the qualities of Manyou’s drawings. Are there really no coincidences?”